
Wednesday 5 June 2013

200th post: Coffee Cake with Chocolate Ganache

Hello friends, feeling so rejoiced to share my 200th post at my favourite space J

Since last month I have been away at my parental home so didn’t get much time to post regularly.

For my 200th post, I decided to prepare coffee flavoured cake as my mom loves coffee a lot.
And the great part is that she joined me in making this cake and shared my happiness...

I thank all my friends and fellow bloggers who took their precious time to follow and appreciate my blog all this while.

Keep visiting! Love all.


1¼ cup flour
3 tsp coffee powder mixed in 1 tbsp hot water
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup yoghurt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
3 tbsp milk

For Chocolate Ganache:

150 gm chocolate pieces
100 gm cream
1 tsp coffee (optional)
1/2 tbsp butter


  • Shift flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl.
  • In another bowl, beat yoghurt and sugar well, add coffee mix and vanilla essence.
  • Pour in oil gradually, while beating continuously.
  • Fold wet mixture in dry mixture with wooden spatula and mix gently.
  • Pour cake mix in greased tin and bake in preheated oven at 160 deg C for 45-50 min.

For ganache: 
  • Heat cream in a pan till small bubbles appear.
  • Turn off flame; add in chocolate pieces, mix well using a whisk till it resembles a smooth sauce.
  • Add in coffee and butter and mix till smooth & glossy. Keep aside to cool.
  • Pour ganache over the cake and keep in fridge to set the icing.


  1. Congratulations and hope we get to see more lovely recipes. Keep going.

    Such a sinful dessert. Looks so so yum.

  2. congrats...and the coffee cake looks yummy

  3. Congrats.. Super moist yummy cake..

  4. Congrats and this cake is superb to honor your 200th post. That choc ganache in between and gooey is so inviting.

  5. Congrats Preeti! The cake sounds really good :)

  6. Congrats Preeti,yum cake !!!

  7. Wow Preeti, 200th post!! Congratulations...
    The cake looks lovely with the choco oozing out!!

  8. wow... 200th post!!! congrats preeti!!! :) the cake looks delicious... i wish i could have it all, not just that slice... :)

  9. Wow Preeti, congrats on your 200th post...
    The cake looks awesome and delicious...

  10. Congrats dear...Wish u many more posts to come :)
    Cake looks super duper yummy and rich :)

  11. Congrats on you 200th post.The cake looks too good and delicious

  12. thank you all for the awesome comments :)

  13. congrats on your 200th post...more to go...cake looks yummy...sweets are best for celebration

  14. Congooo!!!! n Pass osme here :))

  15. A yummmy cake.....looks very rich & delicious.

  16. Hey Preeti, congrats on completing 2 centuries!!

  17. Hi u have a nice blog.U can visit my blog and give ur valuable comments.

  18. congrats on your 200th post...cake looks so super moist and delicious

  19. Congrats on ur 200th post :) The cake looks simply awesome...
