
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Baked Cinnamon Doughnuts

Soft and yummy baked doughnuts with cinnamon-sugar topping…


1.5 cups flour + 1/3 cup for kneading
1/2 tbsp dry active yeast
1 tbsp milk powder
1/2 cup milk
60 gm butter, soft and cut in small cubes
1/4 tsp salt
5 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
For Topping: mix together 1 tsp cinnamon powder + 1/2 castor sugar


  • In a bowl, shift 1.5 cups flour, add milk powder, salt and mix.
  • Use warm milk and mix in sugar and yeast and keep aside for 5 min.
  • Add yeast mixture to flour and mix well. Mix in vanilla essence and butter.
  • Using remaining1/3 cup flour little at a time, knead the sticky mixture until smooth.
  • Place the dough into a greased bowl and cover and leave for 1 hour till it doubles in size.
  • On floured surface, roll the dough into 1/2 inch round disc.
  • Use doughnut cutter or any lid to cut out into the shape.
  • Place doughnuts on greased baking tray with leaving space in between and leave for another 15 min.
  • Bake in preheated oven at 200 deg.C for 10 min or till turn golden brown.
  • Brush some melted butter on each of them and roll into castor sugar and cinnamon mixture till well coated from all sides.